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Signature Homes is proud to support Trees for Survival

Posted on April 19, 2024 in Sustainability

Signature Homes proudly collaborates with Trees That Count to combat carbon emissions through tree planting initiatives, prioritising the wellbeing of our people, our communities, our natural environment.

Signature Homes is proud to have funded 405 trees for Trees for Survival natural restoration planting projects. 

Trees for Survival

Trees for Survival is a hands-on focussed environmental restoration programme, working with over 200 schools and local communities across New Zealand to grow and plant native trees along waterways, wetlands and erosion prone hillsides, restoring and protecting our native ecology as well as creating habitat for our native birds and insects. 

From eco-sourced seedling to plant in the ground, the students are actively involved in the journey of environmental restoration, learning and enhancement of their local environment. 

Following the programme, one teacher commented that: "it really brought out the best in them, and will leave them with lasting thoughts about how to make our community and planet a better place."

You can learn more about the work Trees for Survival is planning in 2024, supported by Trees That Count, on their website.

Keep up to date with Signature Homes' tree planting progress here

Learn more about Trees for Survival here

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